Star Schools aims to empower learners by enabling them to achieve their potential in their final matriculation examinations and thus gain entry to higher education. The Incubator Programme serves to supplement and enhance what learners are taught at school. It is designed to interrogate foundational gaps, plug these and take learners on an academic journey which teaches them the knowledge and skills to bridge across from basics to cognitively demanding and high order content. Through the Incubator Programme, learners are exposed to high-quality educational materials and instruction in English, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, thus enabling them to pass their examinations at levels with which they can further their education at a tertiary institution. The inclusion of English as a subject has not only benefited the improvement of all other subjects, but also the learner’s ability to meet the demands of tertiary education and the workplace.  Career guidance instruction and life skills is also provided.

The AVI Community Trust continues to support 2 Incubator Programmes, Durban and Winterveldt, with a total of 270 learners for grade 10 to 12. The incubator programmes have supported learners from impoverished homes and underperforming schools in the Umlazi, Inanda, Kwa-Mashu and Claremont, Mabopane, winterveld and other townships.

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