Kliptown Youth Programme (KYP) started in May of 2007, offering a safe haven for 80 children, grades 1-12, after school from 4-6pm Monday-Thursday with additional weekend activities, expanding to 250 children within the first year and now has 460 members. In addition, the children also come in the morning from 6:45 – 7:30 am to pick up sandwiches on their way to school and come back for a hot meal when they are back from school.

KYP believes in identifying and nurturing talent amongst the children and youth which will help to inculcate the culture of learning, through education, sports, performing arts, feeding programme and computer literacy in the community. The continuous support from the AVI Community Trust, KYP can help children create their own solutions to move away from poverty and show the world what they have much to offer.

Find out more: https://www.kliptownyouthprogram.org.za/